Cheese Making Class *sold out*


$100.00 sold out

Date: Saturday, April 20

Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Price: $100 per person

Calling all cheese lovers! We’ve partnered up with Paula Maddison, cheese expert to bring a fun and unique class all about making mozzarella!

Come and spend a few hours with Paula Maddison, a deep-in-the-bones “slow foodie”, multitalented lass who has a passion for handcrafting and cheese. You will be taken into the world of sumptuous flavour, ancient craft, history, science, chemistry, and food as medicine.

Using readily available products, Paula demystifies the idea that cheese-making is difficult with comprehensive instructions. While learning a delicious and nutritious new skill, you will relish the taste of succulent cheese that you can make in your own home.

In this demonstration style class you will learn how to make your own hand stretched mozzarella in only 30 minutes. Paula will also show you the techniques to make bocconcini and burrata as well as other unique ways of serving and enjoying the mozzarella you make that would be worthy of the cover of Bon Appetit! Magazine. Instructions and ingredients to make 4 lbs of mozzarella at home are included in the class.

Kits and supplies will be available for purchase after the class


Journey Through The Chakras